Collections of Pictures of Me

Collections of Pictures of Me

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Hectic-ness.

Much to do, many things lining up. With every weekends occupied with things to do at least it doesn't let me rot but to keep on going. Of course with energy level draining out. With God's help all things are possible... Had VBS, doing the name tags and also receiving some last minute registration which I finally tasted why late registration shouldn't be entertained. HUGE Camp coming up in another two weeks, after a week then it's going to be our own youth camp. December, quite a packed month. The remaining of November is not left out either with friend's birthday coming up. Interesting it's going to be.

Then comes 2009 with the re-starting of studying engines. Assignments and so on. Oh boy, I still wonder how do I jump start back into the mode of studying anyway. Going to be a tough one of course prayers are certainly needed. At least it would be some time to dwindle down a bit when January comes. Not leaving arrival of Chinese New Year of course...

In the midst of my busy-ness
I would always praise & worship You O my Lord
That let my focus not be turned away
By what I am doing
And that I would always put you first in everything I do
Renew my strength and mind
Each and every day
So that what I do may glorify Your name
To give you praise in all that I do
To walk in your ways
And keep your commandments

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Is it being able to Worship wholeheartedly based on the atmosphere or the environment or perhaps the music itself? Or is it Worship based on the heart...... Is it the society we are living in affected us from having the heart of Worship? Or is it due to the worries we all get ourselves drowned up with? Too many things in our head which is the cause of blockage or interference? Maybe it's that we're too sensitive on our surroundings on how people's perception about us would be when we Worship wholeheartedly?

It's indeed hard and difficult to find the root cause which affects the young generation today in their Worship. Some thinks in may be the atmosphere since there's various camps and we could see the difference as compared to normal Church service. But at the same time it's mind blogging to think why is the camp atmosphere that "impact-ful"... Is it they had more prayers done?

So what's the remedy which can remove that stagnant-ness? Does a survey to ask around help? I myself don't know. It may be possible that it may be issue about space... Worship needs a big space perhaps? Much to wonder about but answer are scarce. Only looking towards God to find the answer. And probably some feedback would definitely clear up some things. Pray that this situation would not persist on that long or else it would do some negative effect. But I do pray that a spark of Worship would be reignited once again that would last till He comes back. It may be long or in the coming time... He knows.

The art of Worship is from the heart, soul and spirit. It's not really fully depending on the music and its lyrics. But the many hearts that are open for the great work that He can do. Of course to trust Him to do that is another issue altogether. And that being focused is another primary key. Without being focus we can easily think of other things or get distracted by our friends and so on.

So what are you still waiting for?! It's NOW the time to rise up to the occasion again. To worship and praise the King of all kings. The Lord of all. To give thanks for all He has done. No need to be worried about anything or anyone. It is you yourself that can do it. Not by mimicking others, they can be like an example but it's totally up to you how you are going to do it. Much to be said but we can only see how God can work with His miraculous power.

Fairy Tale.

Some of us may wish life may just be like a fairy tale, everything seems so lovely, pleasurable and also smooth sailing. If there's problems, only very puny ones which can be settled in a moment's time. It would be a happily ever after to the end. Unfortunately, that's only fiction. It may exist to some but only to a friction of it. In reality, problems doesn't seem to be that merciful looking, they may be like a hound waiting to pounce on you. And we have to solve that problem somehow. Be it in studies, work or relationships. In reality, whatever things or incidents may happen. Some good, some bad, some probably worse than bad? Only God knows.

Woe to those who think life's a fairy tale,
It's time to wake up from that thought,
Those portrayed in movies are just pure fiction,
It may happen but not to everyone.
Woe to the life on earth,
Which is quite distressing at times,

Oh God would you come to intervene,
That you would grant us the peace of mind,
To take away that thoughts of living a fairy tale life,
That bitterness or sadness begone,
And that a whole new mindset & beginning to unfold.

A whole new chapter based not on fairy tales,
But to the reality of the world
Knowing that it's no fairy tale,
To have Christ in the centre of our very lives,
No matter what happens,
He will carry us through,
When we know He is God.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Tick-tock, tick-tock...... Turning back and see of the Lord's goodness to me all these 21 years in my life. Though ups and downs are usually interesting as it molds me to be a better person. In speech, in character and so on. There are much to give thanks about, for instance I've not been involved in any major accident or got to overnight in the hospital, being able to complete my diploma and now in a university. Always have food to eat. Well, think the list can go on and on. To think back when I was a young lad, growing up in a Christian family, getting to know Christ at an early age and began to grow in knowledge and stature. Childhood where opportunity to go to the park almost every Monday, sitting the tram car around the park. Guess now I have to do that myself... Anyway, many fond memories to mention about. It was His grace and mercy that He sustained me for what I am today.

Of course I did fall before in my walk, but He picked me up so I can once again walk in His ways. Much accomplishments been done. Didn't thought in the span for about 5 years perhaps would I be serving in the worship ministry. How great thou art oh Lord. Gratefulness I have that couldn't be explained or described by words! Entering to young adulthood and to learn here and there the way of life in a more advance manner, to pray that what is installed in the future that He would be the provider. Others say 21 is the key to freedom. But I say 21 is the key to the beginning of far more greater heights in the Lord Jesus.