Anyone out there who has creative ideas on what video presentation to put for youth awareness? Cause it had been the same old style of showing how's youth force, various cg and so on sort of video. Still left about 1-2 weeks to get the video done or else there won't be video presentation (which is not a good thing).
Video length's about 2-4 mins max. So please, please please... (infinity please) give assist with some ideas.. Thank you all a lotz.
btw for the yaw video...can do something like the frenz video
juz get someone to 'intro' wat we normally do
tat person will be the like a commentator saying something like "every sunday, the youth will be goin for the youth service...this is the way to youth u can see, all youth will be ushered in by a group of friendly youth we called frenz"
next scene...worship...
dun take during real worship lah
juz get more ppl to act out the worship session, with lights off etc
den the commentator can say something like "we start off our service by prayer followed by worship... this is the time where the youth will gather together to worship God
den show video of yf worshipping
next scene...offering, announcement etc
goin to respective cg, lesson during cg
do a sort of intro yf program with the commentator saying something
den can add in special program like adv hunt, parents leaders meeting, camp etc
of coz all depends on how much time we have
oh finally someone realises it's been the SAME OLD THING... we've been giving ideas since MONTHS ago, at mamak, if you remember. The sad thing is, you weren't keen on listening to our ideas so... I really don't know what other ideas to give now.
That was how long ago lah... That time really still not quite know what to do plus takde tu bahan nak buat so can't lah. Anyway now still dun hv sub or norm ideas ke??
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