Collections of Pictures of Me

Collections of Pictures of Me

Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year- New Plans, New Beginnings.

And so the clock stroke 12 and everyone cheered on welcoming the New Year of 2008. I countdown-ed at Church. Not to say it's pathetic but why not? I enjoyed and have been all the time counting down in Church. Anyway, in short I'd rather like to be in Church rather than in the crowd outside. Guess I got lots to sum up about last year, more to what happened in my absence of not blogging like for quite a long period.
So after my HK trip with my family, got back to reality world and back to the fact that I got to go back to work. It had been a busy week for me with loads of piled up work to do since I left for HK, and been going back semi-late. Not to say very late but then it's night already. Little did I know in the month of December 2007 I worked 6 days only. Didn't know that till I counted my time sheet. With the Christmas is Forever musical of our church. And me as one of the committees involved in this musical, week by week things started to get busier for me and with those rehearsals held in the badminton court, plenty of equipment that need to be transported there and then back to church and then back there again the following week and that went on for about a few weeks till the real thing starts. So fast my status was- still standing and going on strong. Though I think I do have to admit mostly I did those stuff myself and did not ask my other helpers to help. Lesson learnt.
And the big day arrived, the day before the musical which is the last rehearsal, though things did not went on as planned, but we held fast on God and let Him do His work for the musical. And we let Him be in control as things where at times out of control from our hand and only His hand will the things function properly and so on. Running here and there to make sure everything is working properly, briefing people on what are they supposed to do, not an easy task but thank God all went well. Big day arrived, had a fall during the service in the morning, which is slipped and fell at the carpet at the entrance of the hall, was rushing to get something from my car but didn't found it so ran back to the hall not knowing the carpet was slippery and *slip*, *splat* I fell on the floor. Left side near my thigh was pretty painful and the pain lasted for quite awhile. What else can I do but to just proceed on as usual. Just the pain and uneasy feeling of it.
Then night came for the musical to start, everything went on order and I do have to say that though it was the church's first time doing such a big event; it was mission accomplished. Mission success. Well done indeed. Hiccups did happen but they where unknown of to the audience- I think. I was a packed hall and I'm glad it maintained that way throughout the musical. And after packing up was done, headed to the mamak to have dinner or should I say a 2 in 1 meal which is dinner + supper together. Ate normal food and back home, bathed, lay on the bed and within minutes, slept till the next day. Well, not exactly next day.
2am in the morning, scratched myself like mad. Thinking it was bed mites so I curled myself in the blanket. Useless, took the mattress out and slept on it. Manage to sleep awhile but awoken by the itch which was intense.Did not want to bother my parents and left it to sunrise and saw myself having allergy- hives all over. So that was the problem that made me can't sleep properly. Resulted me putting some lotion to ease the itch and I still can't figure out what food I ate wrongly that resulted me to that. Which also resulted me not having the liberty of eating the food I like on Christmas day where the church had a luncheon. My oh my... Not so fortunate indeed. Well, can't do much about it so just let it pass. Christmas night went to my cousin's wedding, fine still some food can't be eaten, no big deal, it was pretty cold at the eating place. Went home, felt feverish, checked the thermometer and that was when fever symptom came along and it went on for about five to six days. Which means I had 2 days of allergy and after that fever for a long time. Not that fun afterall to have a nice week ahead. The fever came off and on, off and on. Missed Sunday service also and did not went to work for about 2 days and that really piled up my work. And made a record of highest temp I ever got which is 38.8c. Pretty high temp. And went for blood test to check whether I had any dengue which there wasn't any when the result was out.
At last I got well during the watch-night service at church. Which is at new year's eve. And had the energy and alertness to stay awake. And thank you people for upholding me in prayer when I was down with that sickness, guess either I over-worked myself during the musical or it was just plain viral infection. Hmm.... Too bad I missed the youth event where everyone at the event dressed up so stylish. Well, just get to see the pictures taken there only. Sighs... Oh well, and so I entered the New Year not as a half dead person but as myself. Still myself. My contract with the company I was in had ended. It was a nice experience working there and having to get the feel of the real working life for about 5-6 months. And now, I'm unemployed but never mind for now. Guess need to take a rest awhile before I get back to find another work or something else.
What else? Now new plans need to be made. Of what am I suppose to do. Continue working? Or to study on? If study on where and what to study? Decisions need to be made I have to say. And it's not one of the fairly most interesting in one's life to do. Sometimes you just wish that decisions can automatically be made. Too bad it doesn't work that way. This is life and making choices is part of life and I can't escape with it. And that I will got to face it when I'm back from YES (Youth Enrichment School). And if I study again, well, guess it will be a whole new chapter of another part of studying life. Till then... Chiaoz people.

1 comment:

Xelthius Maephram said...

Lu nie...
Why like no one reply your blog one...
Lol, your blog like posting essays
See also get headache
But, your style mah...
No prob no prob...