Collections of Pictures of Me

Collections of Pictures of Me

Thursday, April 24, 2008


On 18th November 1928, Mickey Mouse was birthed for. And 80 years after that, which is now 2008. Everywhere I go nowadays, I could see them. Rats..... Well, basically I'm not saying Mickey's a baddy but just somehow want to inter-relate of what I'm talking. As far as I know and realise, that the population of rats here in Cheras while elsewhere I got no idea about that. Their population is just growing in numbers. And their size can be as big as a cat. Guess can't blame them for their size due to the Malaysian food they ate. The nice, ever delicious food.

I thought their population is just going to dwindle down because the Chinese-boleh, everything that moves boleh-dimakan or used as medicine. At least having a population control over the rats. Seems not that way. Or now we Chinese are getting civilised? Think there's a need to do something. I just feel ticklish to see rats running across the street, pooping all over under the car. And their poop just smells as bad as our human poop. At night can hear them squealing here and there. At times in the day time can see their dead bodies. Either flattened or squashed.

Oh well, hope rats won't overrun us humans in population though. But then perhaps as time passes by as the rats or in good terms called rodents, soon enough authorities would have to tackle this problem. By then I hope it won't be too hard to push down the rodent's population. Hmm... Come to think of it, there can be a new business to do. Which is to export rodents. To countries who eats them. That would be for sure a good solution indeed. But then is that halal or not?

Anyway this post is just me, babbling something that's in my head. I experienced cockroach on my leg when I was asleep and got to kill it with my bare hands. Not a clean feeling. And for sure I DO NOT want to have a rodent in my room. No way would I be able to kill it that easily. And it will be for sure a messy job indeed. Geez.

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