Collections of Pictures of Me

Collections of Pictures of Me

Monday, October 22, 2007


"Welcome to today's episode of Joel's Believe-it-or-Not, I am your host Joel and I will bring you through things, events that you have not seen or known before. It's up to you to Believe-it-or-Not. First stop, thinking that a typical Chinese guy who is known for being quite shy is going to remain unknown and silent for the rest of his life. But you're wrong because this guy bring surprises and also adds fun to the atmosphere. So take a look at this..."

"Pretty cool clips don't you think so? Just to know that this guy took some time to gather his guts in order to do what you've seen just now. We're going to take a break and will be back after the commercial for Joel's Believe-it-or-Not. Stay tuned." *Breaks for commercial*

*During commercial* Birthdays... Thinking what gifts to give to your friends? Why not ask them what they want, what they dream of having. You can fulfill their dream. One caller on the line said he dreams to have a soprano saxophone and don't mind if a hundred people share to buy him just one present which is the saxophone. And his birthday is just almost a week away. (You get what I mean) So go to your nearest music shop and get him one! =D

"Welcome back to Joel's Believe-it-or-Not, a place where you can know what happened to just this one guy which is Joel. Weird things going on he has. This next story that he shares is going to be awkward but true. Believe-it-or-Not."

Just recently not so long ago, just had quite an embarrassing moment. While bathing, already cleaned my hair with the shampoo. Then after that I wanted to wash my face with the face cleanser. Awkward thing is that I'm not sleepy or whatsoever, I'm still awake. and so... Don't know how on earth that I squeezed the face cleanser than my hand went to my head, split second I came to my senses on what am I doing. Shoot... Crappy.... How come is on my head when it's supposed to be on the face. Oh well, too bad for me. Don't know what happened anyway. Can't figure out how can I be that clumsy for once since this is my very first time doing so. Not on purpose for sure. Sighs... What a day to remember.

"And so we have it. Believe-it-or-Not. Thanks for watching and reading this episode's of Joel's Believe-it-or-Not. See you on the next episode, I'm Joel your host. Good bye" *Fades away*


joanna said...

Yes, joel the host. It is unlikely and unexpected that this guy here would bring such great entertaiment after a long serious sharing =)Say... would there be 'Believe-it-or-not' Part 2 =p

Anonymous said...